How to Maintain Good Oral Health With Orthodontic Treatment

Because wearing braces requires effort in caring for your teeth, it is crucial to put in a little extra time to ensure they stay healthy. Our office offers treatments such as clear ceramic braces, traditional metal braces, and Invisalign, each of which helps straighten your smile differently. Regardless of the option you choose, our Johnson Orthodontics team recommends the following tips to maintain good oral health with orthodontic treatment. 


The Importance of Maintaining Oral Hygiene

Oral hygiene refers to the steps recommended to keep your teeth healthy and in working order. A comprehensive care plan typically includes brushing and flossing, using mouthwash, and being mindful of the foods you eat. 

Being conscious of your oral health helps to prevent avoidable diseases and other issues you could encounter. Throughout your orthodontic journey, we will ensure each of your teeth is in excellent condition. 


Brushing Your Teeth

Keeping your teeth in perfect condition throughout treatment is a great way to maintain oral health. In addition to your regular routine of twice-daily brushings, cleaning your teeth after each meal ensures that no small pieces of food stay stuck in place for a long period of time. Doing so helps to prevent excessive plaque and bacteria from growing on your teeth.

Using the Correct Tools

Soft-bristled toothbrushes are recommended with orthodontic treatment for effective cleaning and comfort, as they are gentler on your gums and appliances. You are able to remove anything bad lingering on your teeth without any consequence to your teeth. 

Fluoride toothpaste helps to protect your teeth against threats such as cavities, white spots, and decay. Your tooth enamel is also less likely to deteriorate thanks to its helpful ingredients. This combination of specific brush and paste will help maximize the benefits you take from cleaning your teeth.

Proper Techniques

At a 45-degree angle, move your toothbrush in a circular motion over each surface of your teeth, beginning at the gum line. Continue doing so to each area of your mouth for about five minutes. Remember to reach your gums, tongue, and upper jaw to avoid bad breath.

If you wear braces, you may go through toothbrushes more quickly than usual. Our team recommends switching out your toothbrush as soon as you notice the bristles starting to split apart to make sure your teeth are always cleaned properly. 


Flossing Your Teeth

While you may not have time to floss after each meal, Johnson Orthodontics recommends flossing at least once a day to prevent bacteria and plaque buildup. While it can be a little tricky getting around those wires, please do not skip this step. We will provide you with special floss threaders to get those hard-to-reach areas. The threaders will help the floss slide easily between your teeth without snagging on your braces.


How to Maintain Good Oral Health With Orthodontic Treatment

Don’t Miss Your Appointments

No matter which type of orthodontic treatment you are undergoing, it’s essential you stick to your scheduled appointments. We use these appointments to keep track of your progress and ensure everything is going according to plan. They are carefully scheduled, and it is important that you have these adjustments and check-ups on time. Missing appointments can cause the length of your treatment time to be extended.  

We understand that the unexpected happens sometimes. Simply give our office a call as soon as possible, and we will help you find a better time. At Johnson Orthodontics, we know your time is valuable and we’ll always do our best to make scheduling appointments easy and flexible. 


Watch What You Eat

Being mindful of the foods you eat goes a long way in keeping your teeth and your braces in good shape. As  your teeth begin to straighten out, food will have fewer places to hide and, thus, decrease your chances of cavities and tooth decay. However, if there are any places likely to trap leftovers, our team will point them out for you! 

Your Choice Of Foods

Braces are not meant to withstand pressure in addition to regular chewing. For example, eating sticky, hard, or crunchy foods such as caramel, nuts, popcorn, and crackers is a ‘no-no’ as those foods can lead to broken brackets and potential tooth decay.

Instead, Johnson Orthodontics recommends you stick to softer, healthier foods. Eggs, pasta, soft veggies, well-cooked meat, and similar foods are great for providing your body with the nutrition it needs, as well as ensuring your teeth stay intact.


In Case of Emergencies

If something happens to your braces, aligners, or teeth during treatment, the first step is to stay calm. During your initial appointment, we will cover the steps you can take at home before we can examine your teeth.

If you are unsure about what to do, please don’t hesitate to give our office a call so we can walk you through the process and determine whether or not an emergency appointment is necessary. Dr. Johnson and the rest of our team are experts in dealing with urgent situations, and we will do whatever we can to help you get your teeth-straightening journey back on track! 


How to Maintain Good Oral Health With Orthodontic Treatment

Putting In The Work For Your New Smile Worth It!

At Johnson Orthodontics, we encourage our patients to be responsible and keep their teeth in great condition throughout treatment. If you ever have any questions about how to do so, we will happily answer any questions you may have! Give our Rehoboth Beach practice a call so we can help you out. Let’s keep your oral health in perfect condition and your teeth moving on schedule together!